Execution Time from: 08/1994
to: 12/1996
Execution Stage
Documentation for Building Permit
Detail Design
Client Kaučuk, a.s.

Construction of a new unit of Isomerization of C5/C6 fraction according to a process by UOP–PENEX with an annual capacity 170 kt and construction of a new unit of redistillation of the reformate with a capacity of 270 kt/year.

This project also included a part of OFF-SITE consisting of tie-in points for all the fluids and utilities, it further included modification of the existing units of the refinery and fire safety system for the new unit.

The principle of isomerization is the change of structure of hydrocarbons, which leads to production of high octane components for automobile fuel. Simultaneously, the benzene content in gasoline decreases, which decreases the negative impact of cars on the environment.
