This contract included ten projects, which were executed mostly during the shutdown of Litvínov refinery in the year of 2007.
Addition of FAME to diesel and ethanol to gasoline was an investment project induced by new European Union legislation requiring biofuel additives to gasoline and diesel.
Installation of new pressure safety valves, construction of new unit headers, reconstruction of the off-gas piping in the inlet and the outlet from pressure safety valves, and connecting of the new flare gas system to the flare in the refinery in Kralupy nad Vltavou.
Reconstruction of the unloading station featured reconstruction of the existing unloading station to comply with the legislation of environmental protection, to improve safety, and to increase options of its use simultaneously.
Intecha finalized the concept of the process with giving the consequent functional guarantee of the entire system.
The project of the fire safety system for Kralupy refinery was based on extending the pipeline system of hydrant water, which was equipped by fire monitors, and moreover, activation objects for fire sprinkler systems were build.
Reconstruction included modification of the existing storage tanks, procurement of new pumps and piping connections in the scope of the mechanical part of the project. Intecha was also responsible for all the civil, electrical and instrumentation parts of the project.
The total reconstruction of the waste water collection pit destroyed by explosion
Design and construction of a complete system of vapors collection from storage tanks, loading of tank trucks and rail tank cars including safety valves, and detonation flame arresters.