Polymer manufactures require high-purity monomers (polymer grade feedstocks). Impurities in feedstock significantly affect catalyst activity and functionality, lowering polymer yield and quality. Therefore olefins from an FCC unit or steam crackers could be treated by adsorbents to remove many contaminants and meet the high-purity requirements of the feedstock.
The goal of this project was decreasing of a pyrolysis gas pressure drop in the line of the primary fractionator, the water wash column and the alkali wash column. Consequently, it was necessary to replace the existing trays for new random packing, respectively for the alkali wash column to replace even the existing trays in the upper part for new trays with a lower pressure drop and to ensure the existing flow rate and composition of pyrolysis gas.
Development and process design, basic design package and implementation desing of the unit, supply of appliances, machines and other technology, construction work and start-up.
The objective of this project was to disassemble, relocate and assemble an existing absorber and its modification in order to remove HCl from waste gas from CCR. The adsorber is packed with aluminum balls of various sizes.
The project was started due to a critical condition of one the essential equipment of the ethylene unit – caustic wash column, providing final purity of produced ethylene and propylene. Intecha carried out reconstruction and revamp of an existing unused column to the new caustic wash column.
The constructed unit was intended to treat an increased amount of BTX fraction (benzene, toluene and xylene) in connection with an increase in the capacity of the ethylene unit, and it increased production of benzene in combination with the existing procedure of benzene production in Pyrotol unit.
A brand new production plant, a "greenfield project" for production of bioethanol with an annual capacity of 1 600 000 m3/year. Process Chematur.
A project for pneumatic conveying of crystalline urea in the granulation tower – the off-gas contained solid particles of urea and free ammonia in an amount exceeding the emission limits.
Preparation of the layout and detail design documentation of a bioethanol production plant with an annual capacity of 960 000 m3/year. Process Katzen.